
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Save The Polar Bears!

I hope you enjoy this because I have been working on it for weeks. I'm not joking about the title. Save the polar bears! You may not think there is much you can do, mainly because you live no where near them. But there is still so much you can do. Just recycling helps. With out all of the garbage, there would be no global warning. There are things you could do like. Recycling, reusing, using less electricity, and the main thing, donating. Now thanks to humans their home and population are shrinking. How does that make you feel, because of us (even me), they're dying and nobody seems to care. When I have kids, I want my children to see a polar bear. But that may never happen. Would you like to know why, because of global warming. Global warming would have never happened if humans hadn't become so stupid. I'm sorry if I am  making people out there mad, including you (the reader), I'm just so angry about it. Some time in December - January I will be posting a polar bear presentation. So if you follow me, I will send you a notice. Other wise you will just have to check back every day.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

They Need Our Help

Look at these pour dogs. Think about it, these dog were bred at a puppy mill and then taken away from their mothers the moment they opened their eyes. When you think about it doesn't seem that bad. But if you had seen it for your selves you would want to use all of your money to close down the puppy mill. So help these pour little guys and others like them by not purchasing dogs from pet stores (pet stores get their dogs from puppy mills). Instead look for a breeder or rescue a dog. Next time you or a friend are looking for a dog please, please look for a local breeder or rescue one. Thank you for taking the time to read this.